Message from the Dean
Dean, School of Engineering
Prof. & Dr. Makoto KOBASHI
The history of the School of Engineering began in 1942 when the School of Science and Engineering was reorganized into the School of Engineering and the School of Science. Since then, we have continued to change and grow in response to the challenges of the times and the demands of society. Today the School of Engineering consists of 7 undergraduate departments and 18 graduate departments, with 766 staff members, 2,952 undergraduate students, and 1,794 graduate students (as of May 1, 2023), making us the largest School in Nagoya University. As Nagoya University's largest School, we maintain an influential presence.
“Engineering” is a field of study organized to contribute to society by using mathematics and scientific disciplines to solve a diverse range of problems. The major mission of the School of Engineering is to contribute to society through education, research and other social activities. Today, various problems are emerging in our society. They include global warming, environmental pollution, energy shortages, declining labor force, natural disasters, pandemics, and many others. Engineering must find the issues that need to be solved from these problems and provide a route, aiming for the well-being of society. In the Aichi and Tokai regions, with their strong industrial base, there is a multitude of social issues that engineering must tackle. Nagoya University is the core university in this region, and one of the premier universities in Japan. To cope with the challenges of society, we have focused on educating people, strengthening research capabilities, and contributing to society. We are continuing these efforts and undertaking a variety of initiatives to ensure that we can all continue to live prosperous and fulfilling lives in a rapidly changing society. Here are some of the key initiatives.
Education at School of Engineering
In 2013, Nagoya University was among the top 4 of 22 universities selected by the Ministry of Education (MEXT) to receive government support in the "Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities". In 2014, it was again selected for MEXT’s "Top Global University Project" as a "Hub University in Asia to Build a Sustainable World in the 21st Century". The university is thus working hard on strengthening research capabilities, thorough internationalization and university reform. Nagoya University is also rapidly internationalizing, with more than 2,500 international students from more than 100 countries studying here. There are courses that can be completed with English as a medium of instruction, and graduate school curriculum in English as well as overseas study support programs are also available. Please make use of this wonderful environment and aim to become a researcher / engineer who can play an active role not only in Japan but also globally.
Education at School of Engineering
We have established a seamless educational system that integrates undergraduate and graduate Schools to provide a "3+3+3" educational system consisting of 3 years of basic education, 3 years of specialized education (4 years of undergraduate study + 2 years of master's course), and 3 years of advanced specialized education (3 years of doctoral course). The program offers an educational system that supports late specialization, in which students select their field of specialization at the end of their third year of study.
In addition, we offer a variety of programs for transfer students, students enrolling in master's and doctoral programs, students enrolling from industries, and students whose native language is English. For example, for working professionals pursuing doctoral degrees, we have established a long-term enrollment system (a system that allows students to enroll for up to six years for a three-year tuition fee) and a variety of "Comprehensive Engineering Courses" to provide opportunities to learn a wide range of practical studies, and other creative measures to make learning more accessible and more attractive.
In the Master's and Doctoral programs, we have cooperative graduate School agreements with national research institutes such as the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). Through this system, many master's and doctoral students work on research at Nagoya University and national research institutes while earning a salary. In addition, we have a variety of other educational programs such as the Joint Degree Program, the WISE Program (Doctoral Program for World-leading Innovative & Smart Education), and the G30 program, providing an environment for the development of highly skilled engineering professionals who are expected to work on a global scale.
Research at School of Engineering
We welcomed Nagoya University's first two distinguished professors: Prof. Hiroshi Amano (Department of Electronics Engineering), the 2014 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, and Prof. Yusuke Yamauchi (Department of Materials Process Engineering), a world leader in the development of nanospace-structured materials. The School of Engineering has seven undergraduate departments and 18 graduate departments. These departments provide education independently; however, research activities are connected by active interdisciplinary collaboration. Interdisciplinary collaboration is extremely important in solving social issues that are extremely complex and difficult to resolve. The Graduate School of Engineering has two affiliated centers, the Education and Research Center for Flight Engineering, and the Research Center for Crystalline Materials Engineering. These centers bring together researchers from other departments and majors with the same objectives to conduct interdisciplinary research and education. Taking advantage of our strategic location in Aichi Prefecture, renown as Japan’s industrial hub, faculty members of the school of engineering play a central role in many industry-academia and international collaborative research and development projects, contributing to enhanced prosperity and sustainable livelihoods for all.
Promoting Diversity at the School of Engineering
We believe it is extremely important to promote diversity. One of the obvious problems is the small number of female applicants to Engineering Schools nationwide; according to a 2021 survey by the OECD, Japan had the lowest percentage of female students entering engineering fields among the 38 member countries. I assume that there are multiple factors there, but one simple reason is the unconscious, long-standing perception of engineering being male-dominated. We cannot accept this quietly and give up on attracting potentially talented people (people with high qualifications, but unaware of it). The Nagoya University School of Engineering will offer female quotas for recommendation entrance examinations in two departments starting in the 2023 academic year, and will expand the quota to four departments starting in the 2025 academic year. We hope that this will work as a catalyst to improve the current imbalance in the number of male and female applicants to the School of Engineering and to bring about a normal balance. So far, very qualified applicants have been accepted, and we have made the solid first step toward the promotion of diversity. The activities for diversity promotion must continue until a balanced and desirable School of Engineering becomes the norm.
International Exchange
The Graduate School of Engineering has an independent organization, the International Academic Exchange Office, staffed by four full-time faculty members and two administrative staff. This office provides substantial support for the smooth operation of international exchange, including international student support, study abroad support for Japanese students, and English language education. The Office also administers international exchange and international academic collaboration projects sponsored by government agencies, and promotes high-level collaborations and exchanges with strategic partner universities, including the National University of Singapore (Singapore), the University of Queensland (Australia), North Carolina State University (USA), and Chulalongkorn University (Thailand).
The School of Engineering will continue to contribute to society by boldly confronting the diverse issues facing modern society and nurturing individuals who can produce impactful research outcomes and can excel as global leaders.
小橋 眞
私たちは、学部・大学院を一体としたシームレスな教育体制を構築し、基礎教育3年、専門教育3年(学部4年+博士前期課程2年)、高度専門教育3年(博士後期課程3年)の【3+3+3型教育システム】を実施し、適切な年次で専門分野を選択する Late specialization(入学時ではなく3年次終了時点での専門分野選択)に対応する教育システムを提供しています。
工学研究科には、名古屋大学初となる2名の卓越教授が率いる研究室があります。2014年ノーベル物理学賞を受賞された天野 浩教授(電子工学専攻)、ナノ空間構造物質の開発で世界でも群を抜く業績をあげている山内悠輔教授(物質プロセス工学専攻)の研究室です。工学部・工学研究科には7つの学科・18の専攻があります。これらの学科・専攻は独立して教育を行っていますが、研究活動は活発な横展開が広がっています。非常に複雑で答えを見出すことが難しい社会課題を解決する上では、連携と水平展開が非常に重要になっています。工学研究科は、附属フライト総合工学教育研究センター、附属クリスタルエンジニアリング研究センターという二つの附属センターを擁します。これらのセンターには学科・専攻の枠を超えた人材が目的を同じくして集まり、融合的な研究と教育を実施しています。特に産業の集積地である愛知県に立地するという好条件を生かし、多くの産学連携、国際連携による研究開発が工学研究科の教員を中心にして進められ、皆さまの生活が、より豊かで持続可能であることへの貢献につながっています。