Announcement of Results
【 注意事項 】
- ウェブページでの合格者発表の掲示は、受験生の便宜を考慮して行うものであり、あくまで郵送による通知を正式な合格者発表とします。後日郵送する結果通知書を必ず確認してください。
- 各合格者受験番号の掲載期間は、募集要項に記載された合格者発表日時からおおむね1週間とします。
- 合格者発表直後は、回線が大変込み合い接続に時間がかかることが予想されますので、あらかじめご了承ください。
- 電話等による合否の問い合わせには、一切応じません。
[ Notes ]
- The announcement of results on the web page is done for the convenience of the examinees and the official announcement of the results will be sent by postal mail.
Please make sure to confirm the official announcement of the results which will be sent by postal mail at a later date.。
- The publication period of the examinee numbers for those who passed the examination is about one week after the announcement date and time mentioned in the application guidelines.
- Please note it may take some time to load the web page immediately after the announcement has been made due to the high volume of traffic.
Telephone inquiries about the results will not be accepted.
- All links are to PDF files (Japanese).
Graduate Programs
Master's Program
博士後期課程 10月入学(社会人特別選抜を含む)
Doctoral Program October Admission (including special admission for working adults)
Doctoral Program April Admission (including special admission for working adults)
博士課程 外国人留学生
Postgraduate Programs for International Students
博士後期課程 補欠募集
Doctoral Program Supplementary Admission